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Easy Trouble-Shooting In Machine Embroidery

Needle Breaks

  1. Needle may break because of all the same reasons that thread breaks. Therefore, first follow all steps against thread breakage.
  2. Remove your hoop, and see what happens at the bottom. You mustn't see any thread loops there. If you see loops – carefully remove all stitches, reverse your machine several stitches back, and embroider them again.
  3. Needle may break if the design is too dense, too "fat". This is especially frequent on photo- stitch designs and sometimes on not properly digitized lace. To overcome this problem, try using a thinner needle. If this doesn't help - just avoid bulky designs.

Stitches of Design "Sinking" Into The Fabric

For stitches-absorbing fabric types, like towels, fleece, short fur, velvet, corduroy, jersey and knits always use water soluble topping film to prevent stitches from sinking into the fabric.

It's easy - you just cut a little piece of film, and put it over the background fabric. Then start embroidering. After your design is ready, the large pieces may be removed and all remainder dissolved in warm water.

Stitches Looping Under The Fabric

  1. Your machine may be not threaded correctly. Re-thread both top & bobbin thread.
  2. Your needle may be damaged, or just secured not well enough.
  3. Your top thread tension might be too loose. To check whether the problem really is in tension, remove your hoop and inspect the reverse side of your embroidery. If your tension is well balanced, you will almost not see the top thread on reverse side.

However, if you see a lot of top thread - increase top thread tension. The loops may occur just because the needle is catching on those bubbling threads.

Bobbin Thread Shows On Front Side Of Fabric

Generally, when bobbin thread shows on top, it means that there's too much tension on top thread. Yet, before rushing to reduce top thread tension, first check these two issues:

  1. Check if top thread unwinds and feeds up well. Make sure that the spool doesn't slide off horizontal spool pin. If it falls – it creates too high tread tension by not giving the thread to unwind properly.
  2. Check that the needle is good, not sticky, and allows the thread to come through it easily. It should have a large enough eye.

Top Thread Shows A Lot On Bottom

To solve this problem, just tighten top thread tension until you see only one thread color on each side.

Skipped Stitches

  1. Skipped stitches are usually caused by old needle. Just take a new needle every 6-8 hours, and you shouldn't see this problem. Also, secure the needle well.
  2. Make sure that you've selected the right pressing foot.

Fabric Puckering

  1. Poor Hooping – try to “re-hoop” your fabric.
  2. Incorrect Stabilizing - check out "Easy Rules for Stabilizing".
  3. Some computerized machines should be adjusted with the type & weight of fabric you currently use in order to embroider properly.
  4. The needle might be damaged (hooked) and therefore damage or just pull the fabric, causing puckers.

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